Error Recognition

Error Recognition adalah mengenali kesalahan yang ada dalam kalimat. Pertanyaan seperti ini memang sering muncul, oleh karena itu kalian harus nbanyak berlatih . Langsung saja ini dia, bagi yang bingung bisa berkomentar atau bisa tanya di Sosmed

1.       Rekha   : is your sister in college ?
A                             B
Jay          : No, she work in the hospital
Rekha   : and you little brother ?
Jay          : he studies in a senior high school
Jawab C: work diganti works
2.       Dani       : What would you do if you were a millionaire ?
     A                                         B
Fian        : I will take a trip around the world.
                      C                          D
Jawab C: will diganti would

3.       By the end of this week, my father arrives from united states.
 A                  B                                                C          D
Jawab C: arrives diganti will arrive

4.       Patient : I have trouble with my skin. It’s very sensitive and irritable.
Doctor             : Take this medicine twice a day. But you should avoid to eat fish.
                                                  B                                 C                                                                        D     

Jawab D: to eat diganti eating

5.       Assistant : Here's the report you asked for. Is there anything else I should do?

Accountant: Yes,could you please to help me put this file back before leaving?

Jawaban: to help diganti help

6.       Rekha : Who do you think will be the winner in the next 100 meter olympics race?

Rian :  can surely say that American sprinters still have the most good chance for it.
                Jawaban: Most good diganti best
7.        The ode was original a caremonial poem written to celebrate public occasions or exalted subjects
Jawaban: original

8.       Knowledge of rate at which a ship is travelling through the water is important if the navigator need to estimte the time of arrival.
Jawaban: need to

9.       The earth is the only planet with a large number of oxygen in its atmosphere
Jawaban : number

10.    A painter who lived most of his life in the Middle West , Grant wood has called America’s Painter of the soil
Jawaban : Painter of the soil

11.   The American frontiesman , politician, and soldier Davy crocketts is one of the most popular of American hero
Jawaban : hero

12.   Three moths after they have been laid, crocodile eggs are ready hatched.
Jawaban : hatced

13.   Peas require rich soil , constant moistures , and a cool growing season to develop well
Jawaban : moistures

14.   A desert area that has been without water for sixyears will still bloom when rain will come
Jawaan : will come

15.   One of the essential features of the modern skycrapper is being the elevator
Jawaban : is being

16.   A rabbit moves about by hopping on its hind legs, which are much longer ang more strong than its front legs
jawaban : more strong

17.   Tenant farmes are those they either rent a farm and work it for themselves or work the farm for the owner and receive payment
Jawaban : they

18.   Approximately one third of all persons involved in adult education programs in 1970 were enrolled in occupational education course
Jawaban :  course

19.   American manufacturers depend on ocean shipping for most of trade with other countries
Jawaban : of trade

20.   The doctor’s records must be kept thorough and nealty, so as to insure good book-keeping
Jawaban : nealty

21.    Why is a man in civil life perpentually slandering and backbiting his fellow mwn , and is unable to see good even in his friends?
Jawaban : is

22.   The suwanne river has been never important for transport and no significant hydropower potential
Jawaban : has been never

23.   Like a synonym of speech , which is the general term, address implies some degree of formality
Jawaban : like

24.   As we have finished the first lesson ,now we will read the second one
Jawaban : the second one

25.    If  i were you , i will take the chance
Jawaban : will

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